11 Revert to a previous commit (git checkout)

Key terms/commands:

  • git checkout: checkout a file means to see how was in a previous commit. You can also checkout your entire folder, but it is potentially a dangerous move (puts you in a detached HEAD; read the end of this chapter). Git checkout is also used for switching branches, but that will be covered in the next chapter.

  • git revert: revert changes and commit the reverted actions as a record.

11.1 Going back to a specific version of a file (git checkout)

Make sure you are in your original workdir

cd ~/workdir

Make some changes to foo.txt

echo "A whole new world" >> foo.txt
cat foo.txt
## hello
## world
## whales are good
## A whole new world

Let assume we want to go back to a previous version of foo.txt.

Before going back to a previous state of a file, COMMIT what you have now!

git add foo.txt
git commit -m "Add 'A whole new world' to foo.txt"
## [master 955deb3] Add 'A whole new world' to foo.txt
##  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Recover the foo.txt that doesn’t have “A whole new world” in it (use HEAD~1 or unique identifier)

git checkout HEAD~1 foo.txt
## Updated 1 path from 1b61113

Check what is in foo.txt

cat foo.txt
## hello
## world
## whales are good

Go back to the state where “A whole new world” is in the file

git checkout HEAD foo.txt
cat foo.txt
## Updated 1 path from 6d02667
## hello
## world
## whales are good
## A whole new world

11.2 Going back to an entire commit - Detached HEAD (CAUTION)

If you git checkout a previous commit without also specifying a file, you will revert the entire directory to a previous condition

git checkout HEAD~1 
## HEAD is now at 10f6dd9 Merge changes from Github, whales are good

You should see a warning message about being in a ‘detached HEAD’. (Refer to the Glossary section in the Appendix for a brief overview on “HEAD” and “detached HEAD”.)

Use git checkout master to return to most recent state.

git checkout master 
## Previous HEAD position was 10f6dd9 Merge changes from Github, whales are good
## Switched to branch 'master'

BONUS - Detached HEAD

CAUTION 1: If you make commits while you are in a detached HEAD, returning to “master” (or any other branch) means those changes are loss (again, we will talk about branches soon).

A detached HEAD means you are not in a branch, and any changes you make will disappear when you switch back to a real branch (e.g., git checkout master). More about branching and how to prevent your works from disappearing in the next chapter!

11.3 Reverting back to a past commit (git revert)

At some point, you might create a commit (or several commits) that you want to undo. Perhaps it’s a new feature that turns out to be more of a bug, so you want to go back to a stable version of your code. At the same time, you may want to keep the bad code in your commit history, so that you can refer back to it later to see what went wrong or how you can fix it.

Let’s create a bug in our files and commit it.

touch bug.txt
echo "Brand new feature, surely nothing wrong here..." >> bug.txt
git add bug.txt
git commit -m "added bug.txt"
## [master 8c96114] added bug.txt
##  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
##  create mode 100644 bug.txt

HEAD now has a bug in it, so we are going to undo the last commit (going back to how things were in HEAD~1) using git revert.

git revert --no-commit HEAD
## Removing bug.txt
## foo.txt
## ignore_this.txt

bug.txt is no longer in our directory, so the revert worked. Now we can commit.

git commit -m "revert 'added bug.txt'"
## [master 5d256d4] revert 'added bug.txt'
##  1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
##  delete mode 100644 bug.txt

Using the --no-commit argument for git revert allowed us to check what the result of the revert was before we committed it. If you don’t include --no-commit, revert will go straight to committing the change. After --no-commit we specified which commit we want to undo; in this case it was HEAD.

So, we undid a single commit, but what if we wanted to undo several commits? We can use revert with a range of commits. Let’s say we added in three commits that are not good.

touch badjoke.txt
echo "In case of fire," >> badjoke.txt
git add badjoke.txt
git commit -m "badjoke 1"
## [master b4f0170] badjoke 1
##  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
##  create mode 100644 badjoke.txt
echo "git commit, git push," >> badjoke.txt
git add badjoke.txt
git commit -m "badjoke 2"
## [master 4e9a593] badjoke 2
##  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
echo "and git out of there!" >> badjoke.txt
git add badjoke.txt
git commit -m "badjoke 3"
## [master b90ad02] badjoke 3
##  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
cat badjoke.txt
## In case of fire,
## git commit, git push,
## and git out of there!

We want to remove our bad joke, so we use a git revert with a range HEAD~3...

git revert --no-commit HEAD~3..
## Removing badjoke.txt

HEAD~3.. specifies a range from HEAD~3 to HEAD (the .. is what indicates it is a range). We are trying to go back to how things were in HEAD~3, so when we specify HEAD~#.. as our range, HEAD~# is the commit you would like to go back to.

Don’t forget to commit!

git commit -m "undo 3 commits to get rid of bad joke"
## [master 90f22fd] undo 3 commits to get rid of bad joke
##  1 file changed, 3 deletions(-)
##  delete mode 100644 badjoke.txt

You have now used checkout to look at the past version of a file, and revert to undo commits!